XME Salute: integrating insurance offerings with wellness and health practices

Intesa Sanpaolo bank


Analysis of the areas of overlap between welfare practices and insurance offering, up to the realization of a banking product able to enhance them both.

3 things to know

Redefine the meaning of “insurance product”

Research results allowed us to identify behavioral patterns regarding the attribution of value and meaning in health and wellbeing areas, and define hypothetical use scenarios on how to involve users in a holistic self-care.

Facilitating and enabling behavioral change

Based on an analysis of the offer and on the formative evaluation, we were able to create a better definition of the service model and a detailing of pre-requirements to convey this service through digital/web and mobile platforms.

Drivers of behavioral change

We analyzed drivers of behavioral change such as Environmental & Life Constraints, Motivation and Belief, Social Pressure and Constraints, Cultural Frameworks, and Architectural and Interface Affordances.


In depth

Service mix:

Useful links:


Since the middle of the last decade, the phenomenon of private healthcare insurance in Italy has increased regularly: in 2016, 10 million Italians declared that they had private healthcare insurance, and the reason for the choice is due to a fundamental reason that prevails over everything else: the length of waiting lists (72.6%). To deal with a context in which users give up medical treatment because it is too expensive, Intesa Sanpaolo has launched an innovative service, able to integrate wellness practices (e.g. improving nutrition, sleep, …) with easy access to a network of clinics in which to book online medical examinations, diagnostic tests, dental and physiotherapy services.


The Intesa Sanpaolo Innovation Center turned to Experientia for ongoing support in defining value propositions for its new set of services, called XME Salute (“Health 4 me”). We investigated behaviours, values and convictions people have on themes such as wellness, health and their relation with insurance products.


Research results allowed us to identify some behavioral patterns regarding the attribution of value and meaning among health and wellbeing areas, enabling us to create hypothetical use scenarios to understand how to involve users in a holistic self-care. We analyzed drivers of behavioral change such as Environmental & life constraints, Motivation and belief, Social pressure and constraints, Cultural framework, Architectural and interface affordances.


Based on the offer and the formative evaluation, we were able to better define the service model and detail some pre-requirements in order to convey this service through digital/web and mobile platforms.


Health services are an important testbed for the cultural change required by digital, so it is essential that the service model provided remains consistent with the initial design: for this reason, since the launch of the service (June 2019) we have continued to follow the evolution of features in order to keep them consistent with the service model.